QLQs, are engineered pumps as:
(a) Wet pit (sump) type
(b) Double casing (can) type pumps.
Most pumps are built with customer specific features and for applications such as water pumping stations,storm water service, industrial, O & G, power applications. The pumps vary in size, impeller types and length, whether it is an open shaft or enclosed shaft designs and type of discharge head used.
Features and Benefits
Case assembly
Case assembly is designed to operate completely submerged in the liquid. It consists of suction bells,first and additional stages bowls, impellers and pump shaft.
The suction bells serve as the input- ports to the first stage impeller. Internal vanes support the housing of the suction bell bearing.
The first stage casing is made of lower and upper bell-mouth with bearing, double volute and discharge branches with bearing. Twin volute is made efficiently to convert to pressure the velocity added to the liquid by the impeller.
Additional stage casings are diffuser type.
QLQs are supplied with enclosed, double suction fist stage impeller types, while additional stages impellers are single suction. Impellers are low, medium and high capacity type designed for maximum coverage of all QLQ applications. Impellers are cast and
machined to match each order and to provide required surface finish to achieve hydraulic characteristics. Impellers are dynamically balanced and held in position on the shaft by key and locking nut.
Column assembly
The column assembly consists of column pipe, which connects the bowl assembly to the discharge head and carries the pumped fluid to the discharge head.Houses and supports the shaft and may contain bearings. Typical column assemblies are flanged, with integrated bearing support.
Suction Can
Suction can is designed to allow the impeller to have the proper level of NPSH to run properly, when the available NPSH is insufficient at ground level.
It's connected with the Suction Head, and can be directly installed on the foundations or through a separate foundation plate, According to the specification, it can be designed to withstand the maximum Suction Pressure or to withstand the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure.
