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PFG2系列 過濾器差壓指示器-德威爾Dwyer

品牌: 德威爾Dwyer
壓力: 20.7 bar
溫度: 93°C
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-07-19 09:43
瀏覽次數(shù): 858
PFG2系列 過濾器差壓指示器-德威爾Dwyer

The SERIES PFG2 Process Filter Gage is designed for determining the state of an inline filter. The differential pressure indicator determines the pressure dro on either side of a filter through its 1/8" female NPT pressure connections, and relates the value to one of three zones: clean (green), change (yellow), or dirty (red). The Series PFG2 is perfectly suited for filter applications, line loss, valve drop, and many other differential pressure applications where a simple indicator is needed. The direction of process flow is indicated on the dial, with the arrow pointing to the low pressure port. The PFG2 can be connected in-line through the side process connections, but can also be directly mounted through the outlet/inlet.

Service: Liquids/gases compatible with SS, GFN, and fluoropolymer.
Wetted Materials: Aluminum, SS, glass filled nylon, and fluoropolymer.
Accuracy: ±5% F.S.
Temperature Limit: 200°F (93°C).
Pressure Limit: 300 psig (20.7 bar).
Materials: Body: Glass filled nylon; Mounting Block: Aluminum; Lens: Polyester; Elastomers: Fluorocarbon.
Process Connection: 1/8" female NPT.
Mounting Orientation: Any orientation with 10-32 threaded holes 3/4" apart.
Weight: 9.6 oz (272.2 g).
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