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案例原文: 6640s, and the newest model, IRB 6700, for its largest machines. The biggest advantage of using robots is
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2016-11-08       瀏覽量 : 1778        abb-robotics

6640s, and the newest model, IRB 6700, for its largest machines. “The biggest advantage of using robots is increased productivity,” Rupnik says. “According to our calculations, the increase in productivity is at least 5 percent and up to 10 percent for advanced applications. The use of robots also significantly decreases production waste and improves the quality of the produced parts. Robots also make it much easier and faster for us to introduce new products and new production processes.” ABB has worked collaboratively with LTH Castings to develop solutions. “I enjoy working with ABB,” Rupnik says. “ABB’s technical support is always helpful, and they have been able to help us every time that we have had a problem. And ABB has influenced our choice of technical solution on more than one occasion, primarily with advice and by providing us with solutions, which we have then developed together.” Due to the severe working conditions of high-pressure die-casting, LTH Castings’ newer robots are equipped with ABB’s Foundry Plus package. “Our experience with it has been consistently positive,” Rupnik says. “Use of this package significantly reduces maintenance and repair costs in case of damage to the robot.” Robots are an integral part of the company’s growth plans. “Robots will aid the future growth and development of our company by providing increased flexibility and shortened production cycles,” Rupnik says. “Robots can also help with the introduction of new materials by allowing us easy real-time monitoring of the effects caused by changes in the production process. With continued enthusiasm, and continued excellent cooperation with our award-winning customers and suppliers, the future is bright for our company.”

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